Topic: RESI Member Meeting
Start Time : Nov 27, 2018 07:43
Meeting Recording:
Apologies:  Bob Sample, Richelieu Allison
Present:  PPGordon Crann,Canada, Pres. Howard Weinstein, Brazil, Sec. Catherine Bonifant, Australia, Georgina Bencsik, Canada,  Esther Dzakpasu, Ghana, Lisa Farano,Canada,  Frank Tripicchio,USA,  Peter Miller, Canada, Pres. ROESI Caitilin McMillan (calling in from Sierra Leone).
Meeting opened 5 p.m EST.
Members introduced themselves to Georgina Bencsik, who was approached by PP Gordon and President Howard to nominate for the President Elect position in RESI.
Esther opened the discussion on Education with reference to the work she is doing in Ghana.  This is the link to her presentation last meeting. 
A recent presentation for the Eclub of One World by Lisa Imel was discussed by Esther and Peter.  This is the link to that video:
Frank spoke briefly of the article below that he would like to have the members discuss for a possible project for RESI
The next meeting is scheduled for the 10th December. It will be the Annual General Meeting at which members are invited to vote on the nominations received for Officer positions.
The Meeting closed at 6 p.m EST. 
An impromptu BoD meeting followed for the purpose of discussing the AGM and the process of receiving nominations for the Officer positions.
Present:  PP Gordon, Sec. Catherine, Georgina Bencsik, Emma Woodbeck and Frank Tripicchio