Present:  D.G Melisa Schrock,(ON) Howard Weinstein (President), (Brazil) Caitilin McMillan (Rotaract President), (London) PP Gordon Crann,(ON) Aniqah Zowmi (Vice Pres. Rotaract),(Amman Jordan) Aaron Ireland (Rotaract Sec.), Monrovia Liberia,  Rotaractors Mayur Mukati (ON) and Amy Hsieh,(ON)  Scott Martin (RPF), (USA) Jeannette Meier, (Spain) Catherine Bonifant (Secretary), (Qld Australia)
Absent:  Peter Miller, Richelieu Allison, Omar Metwally.
Meeting started 2 p.m 22nd Oct EDT, 4 a.m 23rd Oct Brisbane, Australia
DG Melisa posed questions to the members on what they hoped to get out of being a member of an Eclub.  
Flexibility and engagement with others. 
Rotaractors looking for mentorship and access to opportunities.
Aniqah asked about online resources -
DG Melisa suggested the District website "Club Tools" as a source.
Jeannette finds local clubs in Spain 'too locally focussed'. She is pleased with the assistance she has gained from being a member of RESI.
Caitilin spoke of the Rotaractors grappling with personalising the online experience and including members in the conversation.
Scott spoke of the PCP program he is developing with others, including Peace Fellows, as a member of MBBI which is designed to assist Rotarians conduct deeper conversations. His experience of RESI is that 'we show up for each other'.
Aaron asked about attending local Rotary clubs and DG Melisa assured him that as a Rotaractor he was welcome to do so.
Howard confirmed a previous conversation about RESI being a 'bottom up' organisation and his delight at entrepreneurial members asking for assistance with personal struggles.
DG Melisa asked how she could help us become a vibrant, bottom up club.  Suggested one meeting a month be open to invite district members to join us for possible mentoring opportunities.
Caitilin described the Children Believe program she has been invited to contribute to. It involves Interactors and coaching in solving community issues.  DG Melisa offered to help where she was able. Howard mentioned his connection with the President of Canada World Youth as a possible collaboration.
DG Melisa described her joy in accomplishing the one day conference in Niagara with the RIP as guest of honour and the presentation of the Rotaract Charter to Emma and Mayur.
Mayur thanked DG Melisa for her part in our meeting today and also  for arranging transport to and from the Conference with DG Mary Lou from D7070 who had impressed them with her enthusiasm for Rotaract in her district.
 Meeting closed 3.05 p.m EDT (5.05 am 23rd Oct, AEST)
The next meeting TBD following a Doodle Poll.  
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