Present:  Treasurer Peter Miller (Toronto), President Howard Weinstein (Brazil), Foundation Director, Richelieu Allison (Liberia), Shyra and Rye Barberstock (Ontario Mohawk Res), Aaron Ireland (Sec ROESI) Liberia, Romy Alegria (Toronto), Mary Angela Moore, Planet Shakers RC proposed, (Thailand), Omar Metwally - (Indiana USA),Jim Louttit (Visiting Rotarian) (Ontario), Ed Temple (Ontario), Summer Lewis (Visiting Peace Fellow/Sec. RAGM) (Mexico), Lisa Farano (Toronto), Terence Ho (Toronto), Catherine Bonifant, Secretary (Qld, Australia).
Meeting opened: 7 a.m  9th October, AEST  (hosted by Sec. Catherine Bonifant)
Introductions from each online - Catherine apologizes to everyone for the first speakers who were not recorded as Zoom recording was inadvertently on pause.
Howard thanked Charter Past President with a heartfelt poem authored by Howard.  Gordon accepted the vote of thanks and good wishes and offered to be there for Howard if advice were needed.
Howard asked each of those attending for ideas for how RESI might help them.
Some ideas:  networking, mentoring, access to funding, inclusion in activities, presentations for RESI.
Jim Louttit offered to connect RESI members with the RAGM and WASRAG support systems.
Catherine to send out a Doodle poll to establish suitable time for RESI meetings.  
Meeting closed:  8.15 a.m 9th October, AEST (Qld Australia)
The next meeting on the 22nd October will be at a time to suit the District Governor, Melisa Schrock.  We will hold the RESI Board meeting first and follow it with the general meeting to accommodate the DG visit.  Please attend!
It will be a very good opportunity for RESI members to meet DG Melisa, who is very supportive of RESI and ROESI (Rotaract Eclub) and will be keen to hear about members projects.